Category: Podcasting

  • Ten Important Pieces Of Content Any Non-fiction Podcast Media Kit Should Include

    Ten Important Pieces Of Content Any Non-fiction Podcast Media Kit Should Include

    You’ve started your podcast, you’ve had some great guests on and you’re ready to get some more traction for your show. It’s time to build out a media kit. Here are 10 elements that should be included in any podcast media kit: Remember to present your media kit in a visually appealing and professional format…

  • Get Started Podcasting: 10 Essential Tips for New Podcasters

    Get Started Podcasting: 10 Essential Tips for New Podcasters

    Are you passionate about sharing your thoughts, ideas, or stories with the world? Podcasting is a fantastic platform to showcase your creativity and connect with a global audience. If you’re new to podcasting and wondering how to get started, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 10 tips to kickstart your podcasting journey: Follow…

  • Podcasting Isn’t Radio… It’s Definitely Not NPR

    Podcasting Isn’t Radio… It’s Definitely Not NPR

    I will state this until I’m blue in the face: Podcasting Is Not The Radio! No joke, I literally have to tell my clients, when we first start working together, we’re not trying to be WHYY’s Terry Gross. Non-fiction podcasts shouldn’t be stuffy and overly edited. People come to your podcast to hear from you,…

  • One Of The Best Places For Earned Media Is…

    One Of The Best Places For Earned Media Is…

    Just got done watching a video here on LinkedIn from my buddy Kerry Barrett, who is an Emmy Award-winning news anchor and on-screen presence coach. In the video, Kerry talked about earned media and how anyone can do it. One of the three she highlighted was podcasts and being a guest on podcasts and a…

  • Do Your Own Outreach

    Do Your Own Outreach

    We’re all busy. There’s always something to do. How you plan your day matters. Sometimes taking the shortcut and having someone book you on podcasts seems like a good idea. It’s not. Out of the hundreds of pitches I get a week to be on my Entrepreneur’s Enigma podcast, 95% of them get rejected. Want…

  • Ten Essential Things To Focus On To Be Successful In Podcasting

    Ten Essential Things To Focus On To Be Successful In Podcasting

    Podcasting has emerged as a powerful medium for storytelling, education, and entertainment. Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, understanding key factors for success can make a significant difference.  Here are ten essential things to consider: Understanding Your Audience: Knowing your audience is the foundation of a successful podcast. Conduct surveys, participate in…

  • Why Do You Need A Podcast Coach For Your Business

    Why Do You Need A Podcast Coach For Your Business

    Coaches are great all around. They help you think outside the box and from a different perspective. They are not bogged down by the minutia of the day-to-day activities of your business. Like a general business coach helps you with your business, a podcast coach can help you with your business podcast. Starting a podcast…

  • How can a small business leverage the power of podcasting to grow their business?

    How can a small business leverage the power of podcasting to grow their business?

    Small businesses are the life blood of the economy. Many small business owners are trying to figure out how to reach their audience in a new and exciting manner. Podcasting is a unique way of doing this. Small businesses can effectively leverage podcasting to grow their business in so many ways. Here are just a…

  • Why is podcasting so important for B2B businesses?

    Why is podcasting so important for B2B businesses?

    Podcasting is all the rage right now. Businesses of all sizes are looking to get their brands on podcasts and develop their own for their brands. The podcast medium has become an increasingly important tool for B2B businesses and has several key benefits: By leveraging these benefits, businesses can enhance their marketing efforts, build stronger…